How to Edit Your Hosts File on a Mac Computer | PeoplesHost

How To Edit Hosts File on Your System - 2020-6-23 · Save the file and close it. You have done the mapping between a domain name and IP locally on your system. Edit Hosts File on Linux/Unix: On Linux/Unix operating systems this file is generally available at following location /etc/hosts. Edit this file and make proper entry with hostname and ip address as below. # vim /etc/hosts Edit Your Host File - Yottaa Editing your hosts file only affects the computer you do it on, so if you edit your hosts file on your desktop and then try to access your site from your laptop, the laptop will behave as though nothing has happened, unless of course you edit the hosts file on your laptop too.

GuideBook : How to edit your Host file

Editing your hosts file only affects the computer you do it on, so if you edit your hosts file on your desktop and then try to access your site from your laptop, the laptop will behave as though nothing has happened, unless of course you edit the hosts file on your laptop too. How to Edit Your Mac’s Hosts File & Why You Might Want To

How to edit your Mac's Hosts file and why you would want

How to Edit Your Hosts File on Linux, Windows, and macOS