We have tried pinging EZTV website using our server and the website returned the above results. If eztv.it is down for us too there is nothing you can do except waiting. Probably the server is overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outage or a website maintenance is in progress

About EZTV in General. EZTV is a torrent tracker that first appeared in 2005 and the idea behind this project was to provide high-quality media content to users all around the world. Movies, TV shows, documentaries and many more can be accessed through EZTV and the EZTV mirror sites. Of course, due to the competition between the several Even though EZTV torrent is not famous as other torrent sites, it has achieved quite a lot of buzz in recent times. In this article, you will find ways to successfully unblock EZTV torrent site through EZTV proxy servers and EZTV mirror links (2019). EZTV Unblocked Through EZTV Mirror Sites 2019. Here are some of the best working EZTV Mirror sites. On 9 December 2014, The Pirate Bay was raided by the Swedish police, who seized servers, computers, and other equipment and resulted in EZTV going down. By the 11th of December, EZTV was releasing torrents again although the main site was not yet accessible with the regular domain, however the site could be reached through eztv proxy sites.

Eztv may be down or not accessible for many reasons, such as due to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, temporary server maintenance or temporary DNS issues. Other reasons may include the possibility of power outage, slow bandwidth connection, and temporary downtime due to website transfer.

Jul 03, 2020 · EZTV torrent site is banned in most of the countries just because of its policies, and it is a torrent site, which shares the content on a global platform. Because of this many people watch content and use software for free. Download movies, TV Series, TV Shows EZTV torrent magnet in 720p, 1080p and 3D quality at EZTV new site .Free download and browse more movies, TV Series than ever The EZTV Torrent Magnet for TV-Series and TV-Shows. Download latest episodes EZTV torrent in Bluray, WEB-DL, WEBRip, DVDRip, HDTV, HDRip Quality at small file size.

Sometimes website may be down, because government of other organization banned it or other issues. In this case enthusiasts prepared list of proxy to get EZTV unblocked. The site is currently blocked in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, United States, and Canada.

Jun 21, 2020 · The site is also improving over the years, adding new features, filters, better torrents, etc. Therefore, it is really annoying if the site does not load for you. If the site is down, this can be understood, but if EZTV is banned by your Internet service provider or government agencies, etc. The site is currently blocked in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, United States, and Canada. If it is blocked by your ISP, you can simply use a proxy site or TOR browser and unblock EZTV. EZTV Alternatives. In case the site is permanently down, then you need to have EZTV Proxy & Mirror sites. Jul 01, 2020 · 7. EZTV – For TV Shows. URL: https://eztv.io/ If you have spent some time in the torrenting world, you must have probably already heard of EZTV. It is a torrent provider that has been visible on almost all the major torrenting sites. Now, they have their own site. EZTV is one of the rare torrent sites designed only for the TV Shows. Jul 23, 2020 · EZTV Proxy and Mirror News for 2019 and Beyond. EZTV was a torrent distributor which focused on television programming. The platform was founded in May 2005, but it then dissolved a decade later after a successful hostile takeover attempt by EZCloud Ltd. EZTV New Site in 2019. In this section, we will keep on updating the current EZTV site. This EZTV new site will be accessible to all the location. Usually, what happens whenever an EZTV domain is getting banned their admin replicate the site on some other domain. And the currently active domain is eztv.io. So, we would recommend you to use this site. https://eztv.bypassed.cab/-This is again a site considered to be the best but is having normal speed. You can use this site also to enjoy free TV and anime content. https://eztv.unblocked.pub/-This site is having faster speed than others. Therefore, people can use this for watching free content. Sep 23, 2011 · Two days ago the website of the popular TV-torrent distribution group EZTV went down without explanation. Although this by itself isn’t that unique, the timing is unfortunate to say the least as