I found the answer here: Ubuntu 14 pptp client disconnects frequently. I had to use on the client. sudo ifconfig wlp3s0 mtu 1400 sudo ifconfig ppp0 mtu 1300 This …

Subject: Network Manager PPTP Incorrect Routes; Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 10:23:05 -0500; When I connect to my VPN using Network Manager, I end up with the wrong route table. Here's what I start with: Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface U 0 0 0 eth0 UG 0 0 0 eth0 network-manager-pptp-gnome_1.1.93-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb … Download network-manager-pptp-gnome_1.1.93-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb for 16.04 LTS from Ubuntu Main repository. Koschei - NetworkManager-pptp Scheduler parameters Package is currently ineligible for scheduling due to following reasons: Package is not tracked; Package dependencies were not resolved yet

Removed deprecated GUI configuration program to close tracker #1971934. Once Debian takes version 1.7.2 the pptpsetup program will be available. Debian might also take Network Manager PPTP. 2008-03-04: Wording of start on boot for Debian Etch (Sarge and later), reported by Robert Echlin. 2007-10-22: Changes for Debian Etch, thanks to Heinrich

Jan 31, 2018 Can't install Network Manager for VPN. [Archive] - Kali Sep 08, 2016

#809526 - network-manager-openvpn: Fail to set IPv4 route

Removed deprecated GUI configuration program to close tracker #1971934. Once Debian takes version 1.7.2 the pptpsetup program will be available. Debian might also take Network Manager PPTP. 2008-03-04: Wording of start on boot for Debian Etch (Sarge and later), reported by Robert Echlin. 2007-10-22: Changes for Debian Etch, thanks to Heinrich Nov 21, 2013 · Well its strange that why VPN is not configured in Kali Linux by default. Anyways If u want to connect to vpn in kali linux just run the following commands one by one and then everything will be under control. Scheduler parameters Package is currently ineligible for scheduling due to following reasons: Package is not tracked; Package dependencies were not resolved yet