Jul 15, 2020

CIDR, Subnet Masks, and Usable IP Addresses Quick Aug 26, 2011 Subnet Calculator| IP Location Subnet Calculator is used to divide an IP network into subnetworks by calculating network address, subnet mask, broadcast address and host IP address range.Please use the form below to enter an IP address and Subnet Mask, and we'll provide you with necessary information you'll need.

A .240 subnet has 4 bits for the subnet mask, so the network will be the first 28 bits, whatever that works out to. Note that you only get 16 addresses as has already been pointed out. Note also that if you want the route to be persistent (e. g. permanent) add the -p switch.

Mar 28, 2002 · Valid subnet address: To figure out the valid subnet address, simply subtract the subnet mask from 256. For example, if you had a Class A mask of, the equation would be 256-240=16. The A .240 subnet has 4 bits for the subnet mask, so the network will be the first 28 bits, whatever that works out to. Note that you only get 16 addresses as has already been pointed out. Note also that if you want the route to be persistent (e. g. permanent) add the -p switch.

IP Calculator / IP Subnetting

Address: 10101100.0001 0000.00000000.00000000 Netmask: = 12 11111111.1111 0000.00000000.00000000 Wildcard: 00000000.0000 1111